Wednesday, 4 May 2011

The Introduction

The Introduction

Hi there, welcome to my blog!
This is just going to be a little introduction as to what my blogs will be about, what there purpose is, why I think my little life change is important and why I want to recommend people join me in my attempt to go Fairtrade and Organic. So lets start by answering some questions...

1. What is an Executive Hippy?

An Executive Hippy is someone who has an intense desire to change her world to a more ethical and kind system, but who refrains from extremist acts such as chaining herself to trees.
An Executive Hippy is someone who wants to create a world of acceptance and understanding by being a figure of example, instead of screaming their opinions and points of views onto deaf ears.
An Executive Hippy is most definitely not someone who sits in parks wearing Kaftans and smoking Marijuana complaining about "The System".
"Executive Hippy" is basically just a term I came up with (While watching Eddie Izzard - if you like him, you might know what joke of his I'm referring to) to try and explain the kind of person I want to continue to learn to become - and it will forever be something I need to continue to learn to be.
It is a state of mind. A state of mind where you can maintain understanding and compassion for both your fellow human and living creatures in general. It is a state of mind where racism and sexism doesn't exist.
But it is also a realistic kind of mind. It is a grounded state of mind.
An Executive Hippy understands that the most powerful thing she can do, and the only person she can control, is herself.
An executive Hippy understands that she can't force people into believing the same things as her, all she can do is change herself.

2. So... What will these blogs be about then?

These blogs will be kind of a "How to" to living an Executive Hippy life.
 It will be a "How To" style blog where I will share companies that I have found while hunting through Google, that provide good Fairtrade and organic products. Be it clothing, food, shoes, body care products...
So that eventually it will be a good source for information, all in one spot, to save you time.

And that about explains it... if you have any questions, comments or suggestions, post them below!

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